Branding Posters

There are a variety of ways to communicate with your target market, but one of the most beneficial is by using large posters that can clearly display your message. When used correctly, posters can catch the eyes of people and make them aware of a product or service that they wouldn’t otherwise have known about. This powerful ability to stick in people’s minds can have huge advantages for small to medium businesses looking to create brand awareness. Here are some reasons why you should seriously think about using well-designed posters if you have something to promote.

Feature Of Branding Posters


Creating and distributing posters is a much cheaper form of advertising than radio or print. The process is much simpler, only involving a few people and a printing service. A poster can go from the concept stages all the way through to finalisation in a matter of days, meaning you can begin your promotional work much quicker.


If you get someone to look at your poster then they’re engaging with their surroundings. It could be that they’re walking through the area, or that they’re bored at a bus stop, but once you have their attention you can use a good call to action and encourage them to respond. Whether it’s making a phone call, attending an event or going to a website, a poster can send a clear message that inspires people to be active.


You can target specific locations with your posters to increase brand visibility in that area. With poster promotion you can bombard people with imagery, making sure what they see will stick in their heads for longer. Don’t be afraid of scaring people away, you want your great posters to be viewed by as many people as possible.


Unlike other forms of promotion, posters can be used to get the attention of exactly the kind of people you need to be appealing to. You can put them up in the ideal locations where your target audience is located, increasing the chance of a positive response. The versatility of posters makes them an ideal form of promotion.

Branding Videos
In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s critical to find new, unique ways to make your product or service stand out in the crowd of marketers vying for your prospect’s attention. Video marketing is nothing new, but it’s certainly proving to be a powerful, effective part of marketing strategy—now more than ever. Who hasn’t been sent a funny video to watch or shared an emotionally charged video message?

With our hectic schedules, people would often prefer to watch a two-minute video versus taking 15 minutes to read the same information. Presenters at this past year’s INBOUND marketing and sales conference all seemed to agree that roughly half of all the content marketers produce in 2017 should be video. Yet according to Content Marketing Institute’s B2B Content Marketing: 2017 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends Report, only 60% of B2B marketers have used pre-produced video as a content marketing tactic, and only 10% are using live streaming.

If you’re not already in the game, it’s time! And if you need a little more convincing, check out these 5 key benefits of video marketing for your business.

Feature Of Branding Videos

Video boosts conversion rates

Video should be seen as an investment – according to HubSpot, including video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80%! Watching a compelling presenter in a video can absolutely influence buying behavior and persuade a visitor to convert into a lead (or a lead to convert into a customer!), as opposed to simply reading the same information alone. Conveying the right emotions through video is a powerful selling tool! Plus, they can serve as built-in tutorials or testimonials, depending on the angle you're going for.

Search engines love video

Search engines are looking for content that engages viewers. Nothing entices more numerous and longer page views quite like a video. Not only that, YouTube is the second largest search engine behind Google. If you put your video on YouTube as well as your website, your visibility and opportunity to show up in search is greatly increased. What's more, if you promote your video via social media, your chances of getting found go through the roof!

Video is a great addition to your email marketing campaigns.

We all get inundated with email and getting someone to actually open your email is an increasing challenge. Just using “video” in your subject line can increase open rates and decrease unsubscribe rates. Video in an email leads to a 200-300% increase in click-through rate – a staggering statistic. But in most cases, you can’t deny that it’s easier to watch a video than sit and read text, right? This is particularly effective if you're demonstrating how to use your product or express something that you just can’t get across with the same impact through the written word.

Video builds trust and credibility

Video is the perfect way to create a personality for your company and your brand, enabling you to connect with your viewer and earn their trust. 90% of users say that product videos are helpful in the decision process. The more videos you have to help educate and inform your customers, the more you will build on that foundation of trust. And trust translates to sales.